- Sep 18 Tue 2012 01:47
JILLE 10月號/2012 JILLE 10月號/2012 〈炫〉
- 全站分類:不設分類
- 上一篇: Soul Enchilada: Library Edition 『酷』
- 下一篇: I Am Megamind 〈優〉
- 2012: The Teacher-Student Relationship: A Translation of the ”Explanation of the Master and Student Relationship, How to Follow the M 〈酷〉
- 2012: The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings 〈酷〉
- 2012: Be Still and Know: Reflections from Living Buddha, Living Christ [超酷]
- 2012: From the Finite to the Infinite 〈美〉
- 2012: The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Digha Nikaya [正]
- 2012: Ways of Enlightenment: Buddhist Studies at Nyingma Institute [讚]
- 2012: Awakening Loving-Kindness 〈殺〉
- 2012: The Flower Ornament Scripture/a Translation of the Avatamsaka Sutra 『好用』
- 2012: Tibetan Buddhism from the Ground Up: A Practical Approach for Modern Life 〈正〉
- 2012: A Buddhist Bible 〈好用〉
- 2012: Transforming Problems into Happiness 〈殺〉
- 2012: A Modern Buddhist Bible: Essential Readings from East and West 〈炫〉
- 2012: Verses from the Center: A Buddhist Vision of the Sublime 『炫』
- 2012: Calm Abiding & Special Insight: Achieving Spiritual Transformation Through Meditation 〈好用〉
- 2012: The World of Tibetan Buddhism: An Overview of Its Philosophy and Practice [頂]
- 2012: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 西藏生死書 〈酷〉
- 2012: Tantric Grounds and Paths: How to Enter, Progress On, and Complete the Vajrayana Path [讚]
- 2012: The Stupa: Sacred Symbol of Enlightenment 〈正〉
- 2012: Stepping into Freedom: An Introduction to Buddhist Monastic Training [棒]
- 2012: Buddha’s Little Instruction Book 〈水〉
- 2012: Dalai Lama 〈超正〉
- 2012: The Courage to Be Present: Buddhism, Psychotherapy, and the Awakening of Natural Wisdom [超酷]
- 2012: Faces of Compasssion: Classic Bodhisattva Archetypes and Their Modern Expression 〈超正〉
- 2012: A Bull of a Man: Images of Masculinity, Sex, and the Body in Indian Buddhism 〈酷〉
- 2012: Treasury of Knowledge: The Elements of Tantric Practice [讚]
- 2012: The Diamond Sutra (Chin-Kang-Ching) or Prajna-Paramita 〈炫〉
- 2012: Living as a River: Finding Fearlessness in the Face of Change 〈超水〉
- 2012: Mind Body Zen: Waking Up to Your Life 『正』
- 2012: The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga: Paths to a Mature Happiness, with a Special Application to Handling Anger 〈好用〉
- 2012: Buddhism & Science: Breaking New Ground 〈超正〉
- 2012: Impermanence: Embracing Change 『好用』
- 2012: Managing Construction Projects: An Information Processing Approach 〈超水〉
- 2012: Vajrayogini: Her Visualization, Rituals, & Forms 『好用』
- 2012: The Beginner’s Guide to Walking the Buddha’s Eightfold Path [頂]
- 2012: Becoming the Compassion Buddha: Tantric Mahamudra in Everyday Life 〈水〉
- 2012: Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living 『炫』
- 2012: Spiritual Friends: Meditations by Monks and Nuns of the International Mahayana Institute 〈超正〉
- 2012: The New Social Face of Buddhism: A Call to Action [棒]
- 2012: Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha 『快』
- 2012: The Wheel of Time Sand Mandala: Visual Scripture of Tibetan Buddhism 『超正』
- 2012: Meditations on Living, Dying and Loss: Ancient Knowledge for a Modern World 『殺』
- 2012: Anticipatory Water Management: Using Ensemble Weather Forecasts for Critical Events 〈炫〉
- 2012: Cold Mountain Poems: Zen Poems of Han Shan, Shih Te, and Wang Fan-chih 〈超正〉
- 2012: The Future Is Now: Timely Advice for Creating a Better World 〈超水〉
- 2012: Wonderland: The Zen of Alice 〈殺〉
- 2012: Buddhism in Thailand 『正』
- 2012: How Much Is Enough: Buddhism, Consumerism, and the Human Environment 〈炫〉
- 2012: The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia 〈快〉
- 2012: Revised Marpol Annex VI: Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships and Nox Technical Code 2008, 2009 Edition [讚]
- 2012: Understanding the Dalai Lama 〈水〉
- 2012: American Buddhism As a Way of Life [推]
- 2012: Stoep Zen 〈美〉
- 2012: Natural Perfection: Lonchenpa’s Radical Dzogchen 『殺』
- 2012: Awareness Bound and Unbound: Buddhist Essays 『炫』
- 2012: The Beyond the Self: Teachings on the Middle Way 〈超正〉
- 2012: Shattering the Great Doubt: The Chan Practice of Huatou 『好用』
- 2012: Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices [棒]
- 2012: Creative Ideas For Organizing Your Home [正]
- 2012: Coastal Structures 2007: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Venice, Italy 2 - 4 July 2007 『炫』
- 2012: Spirits of the Place: Buddhism and Lao Religious Culture 〈殺〉
- 2012: Why Meditate 〈快〉
- 2012: Freeing the Body, Freeing the Mind: Writings on the Connections Between Yoga and Buddhism [棒]
- 2012: JCT 2005:: Clause by Clause 『酷』
- 2012: Structures Under Shock and Impact XI 〈超正〉
- 2012: Just Use This Mind: Follow the Universal Truth to Oneness of Mind, Body and Spirit 〈超正〉
- 2012: Principles of Soil Dynamics 『超正』
- 2012: Fire Trucks [推]
- 2012: Twelve Examples of Illusion [好]
- 2012: Trench Rescue: Awareness, Operations, Technician 〈超正〉
- 2012: The Undying Lamp of Zen: The Testament of Zen Master Torei 〈殺〉
- 2012: Heavy Construction: Drilling and Blasting, Tunnelling 〈優〉
- 2012: The Gypsum Construction Handbook 〈殺〉
- 2012: Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind [正]
- 2012: Remediation of Soils and Aquifers 『酷』
- 2012: Earthquake Resistant Design and Risk Reduction 〈優〉
- 2012: Statistical Methods for Groundwater Monitoring 〈殺〉
- 2012: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia 〈水〉
- 2012: Earthquake Engineering for Structural Design 『炫』
- 2012: Neither Monk Nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese [讚]
- 2012: Low Impact Development: New and Continuing Applications: Proceedings of the Second National Low Impact Development Conference, M 〈正〉
- 2012: Introduction to Finite Element Vibration Analysis 『正』
- 2012: History of the Modern Suspension Bridge: Solving the Dilemma Between Economy and Stiffness 〈正〉
- 2012: Talking Dirty Laundry With the Queen of Clean 〈優〉
- 2012: Alberto Pinto: Classics [推]
- 2012: Building Auditor: Level 2, Trainee Guide 〈殺〉
- 2012: Introduction to Tunnel Construction 『炫』
- 2012: Unsaturated Soils: A Fundamental Interpretation of Soil Behaviour 〈殺〉
- 2012: Computing in Civil Engineering: Proceedings of the 2009 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering: June 24-2 〈優〉
- 2012: Structural Steel Designer’s Handbook 〈正〉
- 2012: Water Resources Engineering [讚]
- 2012: Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behaviour [推]
- 2012: Fanny at Chez Panisse 『快』
- 2012: The Conservative Party: From Thatcher to Cameron 〈酷〉
- 2012: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers: 2009 〈超正〉
- 2012: Fundamentals of Structural Analysis [好]
- 2012: Ground Improvement by Deep Vibratory Methods [好]
- 2012: Traditional Construction for a Sustainable Future [棒]
- 2012: Oil Spill Cleaner 〈快〉
- 2012: Soil and Rock Description in Engineering Practice 『殺』
- 2012: Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures [正]